I really like this homepage! The best dolls is the Harry Potter Dolls...
23/06/2004 - 10:01
Boo from Sacramento, Ca.
I have really enjoyed my stay here. Wonderful, is the only word I can think of that fits. Thank You for shareing with me. Thanks f to SH for leading me here.
22/06/2004 - 02:21
Pink Mama from Denmark
I think you make really fantastic dolls. They are so filled with beautiful details. I especially like the green one with an animated lamp, the white angel, the goddess of spring and the new one on top of the front page, but they are all great dolls.
20/06/2004 - 15:06
Anya from Australia
Wow, your Beatles dolls rock! I thought I was the only person on Earth who made Beatle girl dolls...th Pattie, Jane, Cyn and Mo rock!