Hi! I just wanted to say how beautiful I think your dolls are And the layout is just as beautiful.
Take care! /Emelie
11/11/2004 - 23:34
Hello, i love your site!! I've been here lots of times, and i allways recomend this site to my friends.
I was wondering if you could make me a Doll ('cus i don't really know how!!). I'll love to learn how to do dollz, but i dont know hahaha, well I hope to get an answer.
10/11/2004 - 01:27
Andrew from " "
I love your dolls. Could you do one og like a queen or something like Queen EWlizabeth II. Thats the one thats reigning now.
07/11/2004 - 09:29
I am new here,
I really love your Dolls and would like to have at least one for myself,
so how can I get the permission?
and if it is not possible, how can I creat one for myself?
send me mail please: easther2500@yahoo.co.uk